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Sekka Hinoki Cypress 石化檜





Please call our florist at 2529 2599 before ordering, thank you.

Size (approx.): H180mm x W200mm

Sekka Hinoki Cypress is a unique cultivar of the Hinoki Cypress, originating from the lush forests of Japan. Unlike the standard Hinoki Cypress, the Sekka is a rare variation that has evolved into a highly prized ornamental bonsai tree. As the Sekka Hinoki Cypress matures, its branches and trunk develop a captivating, almost petrified appearance, resembling the graceful, weathered silhouette of an ancient bonsai specimen.

Caring for the Sekka Hinoki Cypress:

  • Sunlight: Enjoys sunlight, but direct, intense sunshine can scorch the foliage. It's recommended to provide the plant with more mild, indirect light. Placing it in a partially shaded area is ideal. If you want to encourage faster growth, during non-summer seasons, you can move it to a sunny balcony or yard in the morning to receive ample, warm sunlight, then relocate it to a shaded spot after midday. In the summer, avoid direct sun exposure and opt for dappled light instead.
  • Watering: The watering needs depend on its placement. If it is located in a spot with ample sunlight and good air circulation, and the potting soil has good drainage, the soil will dry out more quickly. In such cases, the plant may require watering twice a day.
  • Pruning: Use clean pruning shears to trim any protruding roots, minimizing damage to the root system and preventing unruly growth.



  • 陽光:喜歡太陽,但太過強烈的陽光會將它曬傷,所以建議養殖者讓它接受比較柔和的陽光。平時放在半日照處即可,如果像要讓它快速生長,在非夏季時,你可以在早上將它放在陽台或庭院中,讓它接受到充足且溫暖的陽光,中午過後搬回陰涼處。夏天則避免曝曬,以接受散光為主。
  • 澆水:澆水需要注意它的擺放位置,如果它是擺放在陽光充足又通風的地方,盆土的透水性又比較好,水分蒸發比較快,則需要一天澆兩次水。
  • 修剪:以平剪手法將翹根部分根系剪掉,減少根系創傷面積,以減少根系凌亂。

網上訂購一般需時48小時(即兩個完整工作天)預備,包括星期六/日/假期,如有急單,可致電2529 2599與我們的花藝師聯絡,我們會盡力配合。

Sekka Hinoki Cypress 石化檜






  • 到店自取
  • 送貨地點:灣仔、金鐘
  • 送貨: 中環、上環、銅鑼灣、天后、大坑、渣甸山、跑馬地、半山
  • 送貨: 太古城、鰂魚湧、北角、柴灣、鴨脷洲、黃竹坑、薄扶林、西區、山頂
  • 送貨: 淺水灣、深水灣、舂坎角、大潭、赤柱、石澳、數碼港
  • 送貨: 尖沙咀、旺角、深水埗、荔枝角、美孚、大角咀、九龍塘、黃大仙、鑽石山、西九龍區
  • 送貨: 紅磡、九龍城、筆架山、九龍灣、觀塘
  • 送貨: 荃灣、葵涌、沙田、大圍、火炭、將軍澳、青衣
  • 送貨: 馬鞍山、將軍澳工業區、清水灣、西貢、大埔、粉嶺、屯門、深井、天水圍、元朗
  • 送貨: 東涌
  • 外送地點:迪士尼樂園、赤鱲角機場、離島