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Juniperus chinensis 珍珠柏





Please call our florist at 2529 2599 before ordering, thank you.

Size (approx.): H330mm x W150mm

Juniperus chinensis is a resilient and versatile evergreen that has long been prized in the world of ornamental horticulture. The most captivating aspect of the Chinese Juniper is its remarkable ability to be trained and sculpted into a wide range of forms. From the classic, upright specimens to the whimsical, windswept bonsai interpretations, this versatile conifer lends itself beautifully to artistic pruning and shaping.

Caring for the Juniperus chinensis:

  • Sunlight: Cypress bonsais are most fond of sunlight anc can grow normally only when there is sufficient sunlight. The optimal time is around 6 hours pe day. Indoor bonsais need to be exposed to sunlight at least once every 2-3 days.  Prefer cool and well ventilated environment, the ideal temperature is between 15 - 26°C.
  • Watering: Evaluate each cypress bonsai's humidity and adjust your watering schedule to accommodate it. A thorough watering process is essential. Keep watering until water runs out of the drainage holes. Watering is required daily during spring and autumn; twice a day during summer and two to three times per day during winter. If there is a drainage plate underneath the pot, please make sure the plate is not retaining too much excess water.
  • Pruning: The cypress bonsai is a very fast growing tree and has to be trimmed regularly. Pinch away new growth will help shape the foliage and promote the growth of the trunk.
  • Fertilization: Fertilize the cypress bonsai once in spring and once in autumn; don't fertilize in summer and winter. Feed with a water fertilizer by spraying it on the surface of the bonsai tree; water afterwards to help the bonsai absorb the fertilizer better.
  • Pest & Disease: The most common pest is the spider mite. Heavy infestations will cause yellowing or bronzing of the foliage. Apply pest sprays on your juniper bonsais when necessary.



  • 陽光: 珍珠柏最喜歡陽光,只有在光照充足的情況下,才能正常生長。最佳的日照時間為每天6小時:用作室內擺設的珍珠柏則需要每隔2-3天進行日照以維持健康,需在涼爽通風的環境生長,最佳溫度是15-26°C。
  • 澆水:澆水前可先觀察土壤的狀況,再考慮是否需澆水。澆水徹底,目測從花盆底流出為標準。因應不同季節,澆水的密度亦有所調整:春秋季每天都需澆水;夏季早晚各澆水一次;冬季可2-3天澆水一次。若有放置水盤,澆水後必須待盆栽不再漏水後,方可把盆栽放回水盤之上,避免根系長期泡在水裡而影響呼吸。
  • 修剪:珍珠柏的葉片生長茂盛,需要定期進行修剪以維持美觀。適當的修剪能減少養分的消耗,促進主幹生長。
  • 施肥:春、秋兩季施肥一次;夏季與冬季可省略。採用有機肥均勻地噴灑於盆栽表面,配合適當的澆水,讓肥料更好的融化吸收。
  • 蟲害:珍珠柏常見的蟲害是紅蜘蛛,蟲害嚴重時針葉呈枯黃焦狀,必要時可使用植物專用殺蟲噴劑治療。

網上訂購一般需時48小時(即兩個完整工作天)預備,包括星期六/日/假期,如有急單,可致電2529 2599與我們的花藝師聯絡,我們會盡力配合。

Juniperus chinensis 珍珠柏






  • 到店自取
  • 送貨地點:灣仔、金鐘
  • 送貨: 中環、上環、銅鑼灣、天后、大坑、渣甸山、跑馬地、半山
  • 送貨: 太古城、鰂魚湧、北角、柴灣、鴨脷洲、黃竹坑、薄扶林、西區、山頂
  • 送貨: 淺水灣、深水灣、舂坎角、大潭、赤柱、石澳、數碼港
  • 送貨: 尖沙咀、旺角、深水埗、荔枝角、美孚、大角咀、九龍塘、黃大仙、鑽石山、西九龍區
  • 送貨: 紅磡、九龍城、筆架山、九龍灣、觀塘
  • 送貨: 荃灣、葵涌、沙田、大圍、火炭、將軍澳、青衣
  • 送貨: 馬鞍山、將軍澳工業區、清水灣、西貢、大埔、粉嶺、屯門、深井、天水圍、元朗
  • 送貨: 東涌
  • 外送地點:迪士尼樂園、赤鱲角機場、離島