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Japanese Black Pine 黑松





Size: H280mm x W230mm

The Japanese Black Pine is a true architectural marvel in the world of ornamental trees. Native to the coastal regions of Japan, this captivating conifer has long been celebrated for its ability to thrive in challenging environments, making it a beloved choice for gardens and landscapes.

Caring for the Japanese Black Pine

  • Sunlight: Requires a lot of sunlight to support growth. The most suitable temperature for the juniper bonsai should be above 15°C. During winter, keeping them indoors and far away from an open window or in cold places. 
  • Watering: The juniper bonsai requires frequent watering. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Lightly spray their foliage whenever necessary to keep them healthy.
  • Pruning: Maintenance trimming is required to maintain a trees' shape. It is important to prune these growth areas regularly in order to encourage fuller growth. Hold the tip of the shoot between your thumb and index finger and carefully pull it away.
  • Fertilization: Fertilizer should be applied at least once a month. Your bonsai will also respond well to foliar feeding every other month. Any general-purpose liquid fertilizer will do fine. It is suggested that fertilizers be used at half their recommended strength.
  • Pest & disease: Resistant to pests and diseases. You may apply pest sprays on your bonsai if necessary.



  • 陽光:需在陽光充沛下養殖,在15°C以上就可以正常生長。屬性不耐寒,因此冬季需要放置於室內以及朝向太陽的地方,避免露地過冬。
  • 澆水:在養殖的過程中需要留意水分的供給。在高溫及乾燥的環境下,需要額外給植株的樹冠灑水保持濕潤,葉子才會變得更翠綠。
  • 修剪:適當的修剪是保持觀賞價值的重要一環。及時修剪徒長枝、枯枝及弱枝,能保持樹冠濃密豐盛。可徒手摘去枝梢,不單方便快捷,還有助盆栽健康生長。
  • 施肥:生長期間的養分消耗較大,需要每月施一次薄肥;可以選擇農家肥、漚肥,以及養分比較全面的複合型肥。注意肥料的濃度不能太高,最好經過稀釋以後再使用。
  • 蟲害:不易受害蟲感染,如有害蟲可使用植物專用殺蟲噴劑。

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Japanese Black Pine 黑松






  • 到店自取
  • 送貨地點:灣仔、金鐘
  • 送貨: 中環、上環、銅鑼灣、天后、大坑、渣甸山、跑馬地、半山
  • 送貨: 太古城、鰂魚湧、北角、柴灣、鴨脷洲、黃竹坑、薄扶林、西區、山頂
  • 送貨: 淺水灣、深水灣、舂坎角、大潭、赤柱、石澳、數碼港
  • 送貨: 尖沙咀、旺角、深水埗、荔枝角、美孚、大角咀、九龍塘、黃大仙、鑽石山、西九龍區
  • 送貨: 紅磡、九龍城、筆架山、九龍灣、觀塘
  • 送貨: 荃灣、葵涌、沙田、大圍、火炭、將軍澳、青衣
  • 送貨: 馬鞍山、將軍澳工業區、清水灣、西貢、大埔、粉嶺、屯門、深井、天水圍、元朗
  • 送貨: 東涌
  • 外送地點:迪士尼樂園、赤鱲角機場、離島