Please call our florist at 2529 2599 before ordering, thank you. Please note that the cutoff day for ordering your CNY flowers is January 22, 2025. Make sure to place your orders before this date to ensure you receive your beautiful arrangements in time for the celebrations!
Phalaenopsis (6 stems)
Size (approx.): W47 x D30 x H65 cm
Medinilla magnifica is an eye-catching plant perfect for Chinese New Year, featuring large, pink, cascading flowers. It symbolizes prosperity and wealth, making it a thoughtful gift for the holiday. Its tropical charm and vibrant blooms bring elegance to any celebration.
Please call our florist at 2529 2599 before ordering, thank you. Please note that the cutoff day for ordering your CNY flowers is January 22, 2025. Make sure to place your orders before this date to ensure you receive your beautiful arrangements in time for the celebrations!
Phalaenopsis (6 stems)
Size (approx.): W47 x D30 x H65 cm
Medinilla magnifica is an eye-catching plant perfect for Chinese New Year, featuring large, pink, cascading flowers. It symbolizes prosperity and wealth,