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喜慶花園 Celebration Garden





Please call our florist at 2529 2599 before ordering, thank you. Please note that the cutoff day for ordering your CNY flowers is January 22, 2025. Make sure to place your orders before this date to ensure you receive your beautiful arrangements in time for the celebrations!

Size (approx.): W60 x D35 x H70 cm

The Boat Orchid (Cymbidium) symbolizes nobility, elegance, and good fortune, making it a perfect choice for Chinese New Year. Its large, vibrant blooms come in various colors and are known for their longevity. Highlight its cultural significance and offer decorative arrangements for gifting.

Long-lasting and easily maintained, orchids are a wonderful gift to send your thoughts for any occasion. It offers the splendor of miniature blooms that make a decorative allure for any room. A dramatic and elegant conversation piece in any space, this 1-stem orchid arrangement is a spectacular sight to behold.

網上訂購一般需時48小時(即兩個完整工作天)預備,包括星期六/日/假期,如有急單,可致電2529 2599與我們的花藝師聯絡,我們會盡力配合。

喜慶花園 Celebration Garden






  • 到店自取
  • 送貨地點:灣仔、金鐘
  • 送貨: 中環、上環、銅鑼灣、天后、大坑、渣甸山、跑馬地、半山
  • 送貨: 太古城、鰂魚湧、北角、柴灣、鴨脷洲、黃竹坑、薄扶林、西區、山頂
  • 送貨: 淺水灣、深水灣、舂坎角、大潭、赤柱、石澳、數碼港
  • 送貨: 尖沙咀、旺角、深水埗、荔枝角、美孚、大角咀、九龍塘、黃大仙、鑽石山、西九龍區
  • 送貨: 紅磡、九龍城、筆架山、九龍灣、觀塘
  • 送貨: 荃灣、葵涌、沙田、大圍、火炭、將軍澳、青衣
  • 送貨: 馬鞍山、將軍澳工業區、清水灣、西貢、大埔、粉嶺、屯門、深井、天水圍、元朗
  • 送貨: 東涌
  • 外送地點:迪士尼樂園、赤鱲角機場、離島